Orange Roughy in a Mushroom Sauce Best Family Recipes
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Orange Roughy in a Mushroom Sauce |
"Easy to put together - I used it the primary time I ever organized fish!"
Ingredients :
- 2 cups sliced sparkling mushrooms
- 1 1/four cups finely chopped onions
- 1 half tablespoons lemon pepper
- 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
- 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
- salt to flavor
- 12 oz simple nonfat yogurt
- 1/four cup grated Parmesan cheese
- 3/4 pound orange roughy fillets
- 2 tablespoons Italian pro bread crumbs
- paprika to taste
- 3 sprigs sparkling parsley, for garnish
Instructions :
Prep : 15M | Cook : 3M | Ready in : 55M |
- Preheat oven to 350 ranges F (a hundred seventy five tiers C). Line a baking pan with aluminum foil, and coat with cooking spray.
- In a medium saucepan coated with cooking spray over medium heat, cook and stir the mushrooms and onions approximately 4 minutes. Season with lemon pepper, Italian seasoning, pepper, and salt. Remove from heat, and allow to cool about 10 minutes. Thoroughly blend within the yogurt and Parmesan cheese.
- Arrange every orange roughy fillet within the organized baking pan over about 2 tablespoons of the mushroom mixture. Top fillets with the ultimate mushroom combination. Sprinkle with bread crumbs.
- Bake 30 minutes within the preheated oven, or until the fish is effortlessly flaked with a fork. Season with paprika and garnish with parsley to serve.
Notes :
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Videos For Orange Roughy in a Mushroom Sauce :

Video Duration:11:55 Total Views: 55
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