Smoked Salmon And Watercress Salad With Red Onion-Caper Vinaigrette Popular Recipes
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Smoked Salmon & Watercress Salad With Red Onion-Caper Vinaigrette |
"Start with a salad of smoked salmon and watercress. Try to shop for the economic bagged watercress that already has been wiped clean to speed things along, or you may replacement other combined salad veggies. (I want to ensure there are a few bitter ones, together with radicchio and arugula, at the side of milder veggies, such as butter lettuce or infant spinach.) Also, due to the fact that is the sort of easy salad, all the ingredients have to be pinnacle-best. So spring for the first-rate smoked salmon you can find."
Ingredients :
- three tablespoons lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 1/4 cup tired capers
- half of medium crimson onion, thinly sliced
- 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- eight cups watercress (ideally the type that's already trimmed, rinsed, bagged)
- 6 oz smoked salmon, torn or reduce into chew-length pieces
Instructions :
Prep : | Cook : 8M | Ready in : |
- Mix lemon juice, vinegar, mustard and a big pinch of salt and pepper to taste in a 1-quart Pyrex measuring cup. Add capers and onion; toss to coat. Slowly add oil, pushing onion apart and beating with a small whisk or fork to form a thick dressing.
- Mix watercress and half the salmon in a big bowl. When equipped to serve, pour dressing over watercress and salmon; toss to coat. Arrange on salad plates, garnishing every with remaining smoked salmon.
Notes :
- Copyright 2004 USA WEEKEND and columnist Pam Anderson. All rights reserved.
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